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Current Students

Laura Cacciamani, PhD.


I am currently postdoctoral fellow at the Smith-Ketterwell Eye Institute.  I received my B.S. in Psychology and Biological Sciences from Carnegie Mellon University in 2009, and earned my M.A. in Psychology in 2010 and my PhD in 2013 at the University of Arizona.

Erica Wager, B.S.


I am a third year graduate student in the Cognition and Neural Systems program in the Department of Psychology at the University of Arizona. I received by B.S. in Psychology from the University of Arizona in 2008. My interests include visual attention in young adults and insufficient sleep in young adults and the effect on their ability to attend to certain stimuli. I also TA for PSY 150A, Introduction to Psychology. My office is in the Pscyhology building, RM 413


Page Beukelman is a candidate for the Ph D in Speech and Hearing Science at the University of Arizona.


Jonathan Folstein, Ph.D.


My research aims to identify the strategic and neural mechanisms for category learning and representation. Specific questions include the following:

1) Are there separate rule and similarity based categorization mechanisms with separate neural correlates?

2) What is the effect of category learning on visual perception?

These questions are addressed using behavioral and cognitive neuroscience methods, often in combination.


I am currently an assistant professor at the Florida State University.



Lab Alumni

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